Under review

Any plans for a cutdown barebones version?

Anonymous 12 years ago updated by Final Countdown 12 years ago 0
Appears FinalCountdown is an excellent achievement.  Just one thing.  Did you ever hear the phrase?:  "Less is more"

As it is, FinalCountdown is way to busy with too many features and zizwhells for my purposes.  Any plans for a cutdown barebones version?  Someting along the lines of a simple 2 column list with days remaining and event description?  A user definable sound file assignment genercly applicable to all events (again, nothing fancy)?


Under review
To be more specific,you mean a version without Anti-Guest Mode,Good Night Mode etc..? Just Tasks and timer ?

If so,It is not planned for now,but to be honest it seems like a good idea.It can be possible after the next major release.

Thank you for your effort.
Under review
To be more specific,you mean a version without Anti-Guest Mode,Good Night Mode etc..? Just Tasks and timer ?

If so,It is not planned for now,but to be honest it seems like a good idea.It can be possible after the next major release.

Thank you for your effort.